Tuesday, October 21, 2014



FALL is here!  Cooler weather and an abundance of juicy ripe apples.

I wanted to use some of the apples we picked from the farm in another way other than in our daily smoothies.  That of course is the healthy way to use apples!  I wanted to make a bit of treat – something sweet.  I remembered my grandmother’s, so loved by my whole family, apple dumplings!
I have to admit I was being lazy and decided not to make the dough that encases the apples and went with an idea of making an Apple Crisp or sometimes called an Apple Crumble.  This is a dessert consisting of baked apples topped with a crisp crust and no crust needed.
Fall and an Apple Crisp

The topping or crust usually consists of oats and flour mixed with butter and spices. 
·        First hurdle – no Oats (I just finished the box making homemade granola).   Granola – sure why not?  It has honey and nuts and oats – so yes by all means let’s try this! 
·        Second hurdle – How can I make it sweet and not too fattening?  The granola is sweet and to just give it a bit more sweetness, I added Truvia.

3 large Golden Delicious apples (they are a bit sweeter than some other brands)
2 tablespoons Truvia
1 lemon, juiced
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons butter chopped into small pieces

Peel and core all apples, slice thinly and place in a bowl and toss with the butter, lemon juice, Truvia, flour and cinnamon. Layer in a pan or glass bowl about 9 x 12 inches or round.

Crisp or Crumble
1 cup walnuts roughly chopped
3/4cup all-purpose flour
1 cup granola
2 tablespoons Truvia
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
8 tablespoons butter, cut into small pieces

Mix all the topping ingredients well    – trying to incorporate the butter well.

  Place the topping on the apples and bake in preheated oven at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. (Until golden brown)

  • ·        Serve with Vanilla ice cream
  • ·        Add some rhubarb for bit of a twist.

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

Saturday, October 18, 2014


                                               SPICEY CHICKPEAS  (Garbanzos Beans)
Creamy Greek Yogurt tops it off


A high in protein and fiber dish, the Chickpea is most commonly used in Hummas and Falafels.  Cooking them at home makes them very affordable. (verses canned precooked), but it is time consuming. I wanted to make a veggie meal with mine and came up with this Middle Eastern twist on the pea/bean, thanks to a suggestion from my daughter Alexandra.  The Greeks would add spinach, tomato chopped and the spices might be oregano instead of cumin and cilantro.

2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 / 2 large white onion, finely chopped.
½ teaspoon of ground cumin.
1/8 teaspoon of cayenne pepper.
1 large garlic clove minced
1/2 teaspoon of turmeric.
2 teaspoon chopped parsley
16 oz of garbanzo beans (soaked and cooked if dry or one can precooked).
½ - 1 teaspoon of black pepper
½ teaspoon of salt.
Juice of one lemon
Topping:  3 tablespoons chopped raw onion; 4 tablespoons plain Greek yogurt; fresh parsley or cilantro.

To prepare dried CHICKPEAS:
               Rinse 16 oz chickpeas under cool water.  Drain and place in bowl and cover with cool water so 2-3 inches above peas. 


 Let soak overnight. Drain and place in a large pot and cover again with water.  (you can add salt and 2 bay leaves) Bring to a boil and lower heat to a good high simmer. Cook until tender about three hours. During the cooking come and check there is plenty of water and scoop off the foam that develops. Drain

Sautee the onions in the olive oil for 3-4 minutes till tender.  Add all the spices and the chickpeas and simmer until all warmed thru.
Drizzle with the lemon juice and add a dopple of plain Greek yogurt and chopped onion.
Top with toasted corn tortillas broken in pieces for added crunch.


  • I am not a fan of coriander or cilantro so I substituted fresh parsley
  •   Add 1  teaspoon of ground coriander

  •  Garnish with 2 tablespoons of fresh cilantro, chopped.
  •   Remove the corn tortilla and take all and put in a Pita for a wonderful veggie sandwich.

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

Thursday, October 9, 2014



Good day everyone and once again here I am!
I took some time off recently from blogging and now have decided to get into posting.

This dish is often called “Southern Ham, Green Beans and Potatoes” but is also claimed to be a “Pennsylvania Dutch Ham, Green Beans and Potatoes” dish.

The Southern version often uses a Ham Hock where the Dutch version uses pieces of ham cut in cubes and adds Apple Cider Vinegar.

This is a hearty dish but low in calories and you can add more of any of the ingredients to taste.

    3/4 pounds green beans, cleaned and snapped into 1-1 ½ inch
    1 pound ham slice cut in cubes
    3 small potatoes, peeled and cut into large cubes
    1 medium onion, chopped
     1 tablespoon olive oil
    Salt and pepper to taste
    Apple cider vinegar (optional)

Prepare the Potatoes by peeling and cutting into cubes; the green beans into 1-11/2 inch pieces and the ham into cubes. 
Saute the onion in the olive oil for a few minutes until just translucent.  Add the rest of the beans and ham and cover with water just to barely cover all.   

                       Set on simmer, cover and simmer 1 ½ hours.

Plate with some juice and serve  with a drizzle of vinegar and season to taste.
Warm and filling for a cold day's supper.


  • ·      I prefer to use a ham hock or the bone with meat from a big shank of ham. But with two of us only I found the slice of ham to work nicely.

  • ·      Add salt if needed – but it will be determined as to how salty your ham is.

  • ·       Add some crusty bread and a nice salad with a bacon dressing to round-out the meal

  • ·      DO NOT throw away the liquid. Use it in a bean soup. It will freeze well too. 
  • As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!