Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Melitzanosalata – Greek Eggplant Salad

Melitzanosalata – Greek Eggplant Salad
Chunky style Melitzanosalata..One of my favorites!

Eggplant salad,  (it is hard to distinguish between eggplant salad, dips and spreads, as they really do to fit each category) has the rich taste of baked eggplants and a creamy texture, ideal for dipping - use either fresh bread or some vegetable sticks
The eggplant was introduced to the Mediterranean sometime in the middle ages by the Arabs and is very popular in Greece and sometimes used in place of a meat as a main dish.  This is one of my favorite “Meze” in Greece. I especially adore it when it has been smoked over wood or coals and the Smokey flavors penetrate the eggplant throughout.

2 medium eggplants
 1 small onion, chopped finely
1 small tomato chopped
 2 tablespoon vinegar or lemon juice
 ½ (or more to taste) cup extra virgin olive oil
2-3 cloves minced garlic (on your taste)
Good squeeze of lemon juice
1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley
Salt and pepper
 Olives – to place on top for decoration

Wash Eggplants and prick with a knife a few times on the sides.  Place in a baking pan and roast at 450 degrees until skin darkens and turn and do on other side.  It will take a total of about 30-40 minutes to get the skins all browned up.
As the eggplants cook, cut the tomatoes, garlic, parsley (reserve a little for garnish) and onion and place in a bowl.

Let the eggplants rest to cool.

Scoop out the inside of the eggplants into the bowl and throw the skin away. Add the oil, lemon and vinegar, parsley and salt/pepper.
Looks like a gooey mix

 Mix by hand if you like it a bit chunky.  Garnish with olives and sprinkle of parsley.
·        Serve with crusty bread or pita or vegetables cut in sticks
·        If you grate the garlic it imparts great flavor without biting into a piece of garlic
·        Pulse in blender or food processor for a smoother texture similar to a dip/spread
·        I often add chopped finely green or red pepper

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

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