Sunday, January 20, 2013


Chewy Goodness
I just the love the fact that my daughters have discovered the wonderful world of COOKING and experimenting in the kitchen. We chat often trading recipes and ideas and I want to honor Kassandra for this lovely recipe. I did tweak it a bit and under my tips below,  I will explain my changes and thoughts.

2.5 cups rolled oats
8oz semisweet chocolate chips
1 tablespoon instant espresso
1 cup butter (substitute w coconut oil about 2 tablespoons)
3/4 cup dark brown sugar
3/4 cup raw sugar
2 eggs (substitute flax seed water...1 tablespoon ground flax to 3 tablespoons water per egg)
¼ cup coffee
1 whole very ripe banana
2 tsp. vanilla extract pure
1 cup flour all purpose
1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1.5 cups chopped walnuts
Preheat oven 350F
Grease baking sheet.
Combine oats, chocolate chips, instant espresso, in food processor.   Blend until ground finely.
Combine that w flour, salt, baking soda and powder then set aside.
In another bowl cream the coconut oil and sugar. The add the egg substitute (if not vegan the eggs) and vanilla. Stir in walnut pieces.
  Drop by  spoonful on baking sheet and I suggest to push them down just a bit (keep each cookie ball an inch away from each other) and bake about 10 -14  mins.

·        The recipe did not have the banana or the ¼ cup coffee in it. But it needed liquid and Kassandra mentioned it to me, as she too added some coffee and Almond Milk and suggested the banana. 

·        I used the eggs and so mine was not vegan.  Do use her idea of the flax seeds/water instead of an egg for the vegan version. This was a new tip for me!

·        I have begun to use TRUVIA instead of sugar and substituted the proper amount, as per directions, for the brown sugar.  I used the raw sugar and did not substitute.  It was a great choice . One of the first times I used Truvia……YES try it.

·        This to me is more of a healthy cookie/bar. I think you could shape them like a bar and use them that way.  In fact I suggest that … but my husband would eat the whole thing and I can get away with one smaller sized cookie as a treat!   If you make bars adjust cooking time to be a bit longer.

·        Choose your items that are on hand... Remember that is my Moto... try cranberries, other nuts, dried fruits, coconut.. Be inventive!

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