Sunday, April 15, 2012



As many holidays are defined by the food served, we can also define the Greek Easter as one huge long Big Fat Greek Feast!
The first meal of the Easter celebration is taken after midnight church service of the Resurrection which breaks the 40 day fasting of leading up to the Easter Festivities. The following day is full of cooking, eating, laughing and friends and family joining together.

Picture this: A whole lamb  roasting over hot coals with garlic permeating the air, big bowls of Greek salads, dish after dish of fresh spring vegetables roasted, fried eggplant and zucchini sprinkled with Parmesan cheese; soft sweet Easter bread baking in the oven, family arriving with platters of spinach and cheese pies, children running and playing under the bright spring Grecian sun; everyone taking turns preparing and contributing to the communal meal ..THE EASTER FEAST on the holiest of all the Greek holidays.

Easter….what a wonderful time for family and friends to gather and celebrate the end of lent with a traditional lamb meal.

I have only my husband and myself to cook for this year, so a big whole lamb is not even a thought. But I will make tender grilled lamb chops which have been marinated in olive oil, lemon, rosemary, garlic and oregano. A few of the traditional side dishes will make it to our table, which of course includes a Greek salad topped with delicious feta cheese, spinach pie, roasted potatoes the red dyed eggs to crack offering the person whose egg does not crack, Good luck for the year!
4-6 loin Lamb chops  (T-bone in them) about ¾ ths of an inch thick
2 tablespoon of olive oil
Juice of one lemon
2 garlic cloves minced
1/2 teaspoon oregano
1 sprig rosemary (needles only)
Salt and pepper to taste

Combine oil and spices in a blender.  Blend until smooth. Wipe and pat dry the chops.he run on both sides of the chops. Refrigerate at least 2 hours.
Marinated in a plastic bag in the refrigerator
Remove from refrigerator and let sit ½ hour to come to room temperature.
Heat grill pan or grill till just about smoking hot.  Grill first side three minutes and second 2 ½ minutes for medium rare.

Serve with a lemon slice

                                                                           KALO PASAK TO ALL!

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

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