Monday, January 23, 2012


SOUP is basically a dish that has meat, fish, vegetables and other ingredients that is cooked in a stock, milk or cream. It is then enhanced by herbs and spices. There are two types of soups; Clear such as broth, consommé, bouillon and Hearty; creamy, thick, Purées, veloutés and bisques.
Well that sounds easy and versatile enough for sure and guess what???? It is!  Soup is a “Dump Cook’s” haven.  One can put just about anything in the pot and come out with a decent soup. My specialty is making that soup not just a soup, but a great soup!  One can really clean out the frig on soup making day. Be inventive and voilà, a tasty pot of goodness filled with vitamins, nutrition, full body taste and it is most economical!
No matter how hard I might try, it basically is impossible for me to make a small batch of soup.  This is due in general to the fact that a good soup really needs a lot of ingredients. Don’t be afraid that this will overwhelm you. It won’t, as it just takes a lot of grabbing and chopping. (Either by hand or with the help of a food processor)
I am making a fast version and using canned beans, precooked ham, canned tomatoes today. The pantry was very useful!  Place in containers and freeze and a few more meals are made and ready for the next cold and damp day.  Whether for a lunch or light dinner, a hot bowl of soup is soothing to the soul.

1 tablespoon olive oil
2 strips bacon diced
2 cups chopped ham
6 cups vegetable or chicken broth
3 Carrots peeled and chopped
3 celery stalks chopped
1 large onion chopped (can use Leek but I  prefer the strong taste of onion in a bean soup)
1 tablespoon minced jarred garlic (remember this is fast and easy)

1 large 15 oz. can of chopped tomatoes with liquid (use whole and chop if you only have these)

1 medium potatoe peeled and chopped
1 large can Pinto Beans and sauce --canned makes this the fast and easy recipe
1 small can kidney beans and sauce
2 tablespoons of tomato paste (I love the squeeze tubes as I never use a whole can)
1 tablespoon Oregano (Greek best)
1 tablespoon parsley chopped
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
2 bay leaves
Pinch of cayenne pepper

1 teaspoon Salt  (remember ham, bacon and broth have a lot of salt so go lightly.. but salt is a major spice so remember always to use it)
Ground pepper to taste
Place olive oil and diced bacon in large soup pan. Place on medium heat. Cook until the bacon is crispy.

Add chopped ham and simmer for 2 more minutes.  Add all vegetables (carrots, celery, onions and then garlic) Simmer 3-4 minutes and add canned Tomato, tomato paste, potatoes, spices and broth. Cook medium/low for 45 minutes.  Add beans juice and all.  Simmer soup for 30 minutes and taste to adjust seasonings and to make sure vegetables are cooked.
Serve with a drizzle of olive oil, a sprig of parsley and a crusty piece of bread.
(OH..don’t forget to remove the 2 bay leaves. They are not to be eaten)
Cut all vegetables similar size.
Canned tomatoes I think are better than fresh. Besides it is winter usually when you are making this and tomatoes just are not so good.
Leaves and fronds of celery, fennel and carrots are marvelous for soups. So never throw them OUT! As you clean your vegetables place all tops and leaves in a baggy for soup day!
A little wine vinegar in bean dishes always brings out some good flavor.
As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

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