Thursday, January 26, 2012


Tonight I found some left over homemade Hollandaise sauce in my refrigerator . My goodness we can’t let it be thrown away!  I had made this sauce for Eggs Benedict and as it has a lot of butter in it, we (6 of us) used a little which allowed me to have leftovers.  I kept it in a covered dish, tucked on the sauce shelf and almost forgot about it. Another good thing about being a Dump Cook; you always will find a surprise in the frig!
Hollandaise Sauce is emulsion of lemon and butter. It does not overpower mild flavor foods. Notably one of the five master sauces of the French cuisine, it is notorious for being very difficult to make. This is due in part to yolks tending to scramble with heat.
I have a marvelous easy method and I will give the iconic recipe to you at the bottom of the blog. You MUST keep this recipe. It is easy, amazing and a staple to always have in your recipe box. It came from one of maybe three cook books BIBLES of mine( of a collection of hundreds) that I rely and trust 100%. ’’The Joy of Cooking”  cookbook.
Light bulb flashes; this sauce pairs so well with Salmon so off to my freezer for a piece! 
SALMON: is a super source of Omega 3. The Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce cholesterol.

1 pound salmon fillet
½ cup salted water or  broth (chicken or vegetable)
1 tablespoon hollandaise sauce (recipe to follow)
½ teaspoon olive oil
¼ teaspoon dill                                                                                             
Salt and pepper
Lemon to garnish

Place broth in pan and bring to a simmer. Sprinkle fish with salt, pepper and dill.  Keep on low and place fish skin side down.  Cover pan and simmer 4- 5 minutes until the fish is not fully cooked through.
Plate fish and spoon sauce on top. The heat of the fish will melt the sauce.

I served it with Zucchini with dill sliced then stemmed and leftover rice mixed with black eyed peas that I drizzled olive oil, hot pepper flakes and lemon on and a side of salad.

Blender Hollandaise Sauce
Place in blender and blender at high speed for one minute
3 large egg yolks
2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice
Ground pepper or hot sauce to taste
Salt to taste

Add slowly …
½ cup of hot butter (clarified best)
Sauce will be thickened by the time all is added. Best served warm.

POACHING: Most use court Boullion as the liquid.  This can range from salted water to water with bay leaf, carrots, celery, white wine and spices. I often use broth if some is open or salted water.
I buy Salmon when on sale and have the fish monger package the fish in 1 lb packages to be frozen.  Each packet feeds the two of us for dinner and one piece is left to use the following day in a breakfast meal.

Always smell your salmon when purchasing it. It should never smell fishy!

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

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