Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Blender Hollandaise Sauce

Blender Hollandaise Sauce

I was taken to brunch yesterday for my birthday and ordered my all-time favorite, “Eggs Benedict”.  It was OK, but I really don’t understand why a simple Hollandaise sauce cannot be made in house and not to rely on some terrible package.

It is one of the “mother sauces” (five basic sauces that all other sauces are made from) and everyone should be able to whip one up easily. It is simply an emulsion of egg yolk, butter and lemon or vinegar.  It is a base for many different sauces, so I suggest everyone learns this one.
 I found years ago a recipe in the Joy of Cooking Cookbook that does all the work in a blender. There is no need for the double boiler, whisk and the dreaded possibility of the sauce separating.  The heat of the blades and warm butter cooks the eggs perfectly. This is easy and simple.
I have made it so many times that I am not sure if this is exactly the recipe from the cook book or not, but it works every time. 

3 egg Yolks
2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice.
½ cup unsalted butter
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon cayenne Pepper   (I like a little heat)
Separate your eggs and keep the whites for an egg omelet for tomorrow!
Place the yolks, lemon and salt and pepper in the blender.  Whisk to blend for a couple of seconds.  Heat the butter, until just melted, in a sauce pan over medium heat or in the microwave.  Add to the eggs a little at a time not to cook the eggs fully.  Blend until rich and smooth

·        Put on cooked Asparagus or broccoli and other vegetable like green beans, potatoes, broccoli etc.

·        Make different kinds of eggs Benedict; add spinach, add smoked salmon, ham or bacon.
·        Good on fish or in some pasta casserole dishes.
·        This creamy sauce can be placed in the refrigerator and used within the following days. It will stiffen again as the butter gets hard, but when placed on a heated vegetable, fish or meat it melts nicely. It does loose some of it’s perfect creamy consistency.

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

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