Sunday, July 8, 2012



Fresh Fruit Salad

Coming back from three days to a home that read 85 degrees inside (we forgot and turned the air totally off!)  didn’t encourage me to get inventive in the kitchen.  The last thing I wanted to do was cook or eat a hot dish.
A Plethora of fruit in my refrigerator led me to desire a cold fresh fruit salad.
This is a no-brainer …FRUIT SALAD… yes indeed, but the twist might be new.

Simply cut up whatever fruit you have on hand in bite size pieces. Place in a bowl.  In another bowl the juices of one lemon and one lime. Take five mint leaves and crush them in the juice until they melt down to nothing.  Mix the juice in the salad and top with a few mint leaves and a slice of lime.

My salad was:
1 pint blueberries
2 large bunches of dark grapes cut in half
5 figs cut into 4 pieces
5 apricots cut in 1/4ths as well
Juice of one lime and one lemon
10 mint leaves
1 slice of lime

·        Add orange juice instead of the lemon and lime
·        Add nuts chopped
·        Add coconut
·        Use your choice of fruit
·        Spoon over ice cream
·        Add a dollop of sour cream 

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

1 comment:

  1. thank you for this very practical, very basic tip... the no-brainers are always the hardest to think up!! da Vinci said it best... "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"!!!
