Sunday, January 22, 2012

Steak Au Poivre for Two

I have two 4 oz steak Fillet mignons and wanted to make a good dinner Sunday for my husband and myself.  These are lovely small fillets, not the usual larger size we are used to, but I think they will work wonderfully if paired with a large double baked truffle potato and fresh salad. I am sure there will then be room for dessert.
As these are on the small side, I thought to make them as rich tasting as possible and therefore not requiring too much meat.  So Steak Au Poivre with a mushroom cream sauce came to mind. This recipe I made for two and can be doubled and tripled as your group size requires.  If the portion of the steak is larger than a 4 oz steak the cooking time per side should be increased accordingly.                             

2  {4} oz Fillet Mignon   ( for larger sized steaks you will need to cook them a bit more per side)
Sea salt
1 tablespoon pepper corn ground by a good grinder or mill or by hand by pestle and mortar
1 teaspoon butter
1 teaspoon olive oil
6 mushrooms sliced thinly (use any type you have on hand)
1 teaspoon butter
Sprinkle of tarragon
½ cup cream (I use half and half to cut richness and calories)
Splash of cognac or bourbon (can use red wine as a substitute)                         

Make sure your steaks are sitting out at room temperature for about 1 hour prior to cooking.  Coat steaks on all four sides with salt and ground pepper corns.  Lots and lots of pepper!  IE: Why it is called Au Poivre …..meaning pepper.

In small pan heat over medium heat 1 teaspoon butter and when melted add the sliced mushrooms. Add some salt and sprinkle of tarragon. Just before cooked through add the cream and simmer. 

Heat another pan on medium heat and add the 1 teaspoon butter and olive oil and stir.  Once it begins to bubble place the steaks in and cook on each side for about 2- minutes each side for medium rare for the small size I have.  (A thick and bigger piece will be about 4 minutes each side)

Remove the steak and place in tented foil.  Add the mushrooms sauce to the steak pan and scrape pan to get all the cooking liquids incorporated into the sauce. Hold pan to side of heat and the cognac.  Reduce the sauce for 3 or so minutes so it thickens and the sauce coats the back of a spoon. Add the steaks back to the sauce and spoon sauce over steaks. Cook another 2-3 minutes until heated through.

 Serve immediately.                                                     
As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

Double Baked Potato with Truffle Oil

1 Very large baking potato (Russet) Shared in half for two
1 tablespoon butter
1 teaspoon truffle oil
½ tablespoon half and half
Salt and pepper
Wash and dry Potato. Poke with a knife three times (helps release pressure) and brush with olive oil ( helps crisp the skin). Bake at 375 F the potato for 1 hour or until when a knife is inserted it enters easily.

Let cool 15 minutes or until you can handle it well. 

 In very top of potato cut the top off and put aside.  With a small spoon scoop out the insides of the potato.  Try not to pierce the skin. Place all the potato insides in bowl and add cream, oil and butter and salt and pepper to taste.  Beat until fluffy. Re-stuff the potato.    Wrap in foil and bake 350 another 15 minutes.                     
Dot with butter and sprinkle chopped parsley.  Cut in half and serve ½ to each plate.

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

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