Wednesday, February 8, 2012



Pork is the meat from a pig.  In years past pork was eaten more commonly in the fall as the young pigs grew in the spring, were fattened throughout the summer and then taken to slaughter in the fall.  Now. with mass production, pork is found year round in the markets and is one of the most consumed meat of the world.
The pork tenderloin is removed from the loin and it is a particularly lean piece of meat.  If has been deemed Heart Healthy and therefore grows more in its popularity and been titled “the other white meat”.
1 tablespoon olive oil
1  pork tenderloin, trimmed (enough for 4 people)
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup mango salsa (store bought)
1/4 cup water
Preheat oven to 350 degrees .
Heat olive oil in an oven safe fry pan. 
Trim any fat or silver skin that may still be on the tenderloin by running your knife careful between the fat and the meat.  Most tenderloins will come very  well trimmed.

Place tenderloin that has been salted and peppered in the pan on medium - high heat to brown on all sides (about 5 minutes).  Look for the  lightly browned edges.  (2nd picture) Mix the salsa and water and pour on the meat.   Cover with foil.

Place pan in oven which has been pre-heated to 350 degrees.

Cook the meat about 20 minutes in the oven.  Baste once or twice. If the  sauce becomes too thick add a bit more water during the cooking.  Plate and pour more sauce on the top.
You may check how done it is and cook  the meat more if your loin is a thick piece. Mine was small.
  •    I use a toaster oven as it saves energy
  •  Apricot Salsa would go very well instead of the Mango salsa
  • Serve with a side of couscous, rice, egg noodle.  As the sauce is wonderful and will mix well.

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

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