Friday, June 28, 2013



Found mussels on sale for 4 dollars for a whole 2 Pd bag!  So had to pick them up.  I usually do a marinara sauce and remembered I had a can of coconut milk and red Thai Curry paste. I am experimenting here as my husband says “he does not like coconut”, but I never saw him turn down a Pina Colada – so let’s see how this goes.
1 tablespoon peanut or olive oil

3 cloves of garlic minced
Bit of diced ginger
¼ cup minced onion
1/2 cup white wine
3 tablespoons Thai red curry paste
1 can unsweeten coconut milk
1-2 fresh lime juice
1 lemon juiced (lemongrass would be best but I don’t have any)
2 pound bag mussels, debearded and scrubbed
2 tablespoons chopped basil leaves
1 tablespoon parsley (Should use cilantro but I do not care for it)

In a large pot sauté in the oil the onion and garlic.  Place the lemon, lime, milk, wine and curry in pot and simmer for 5 minutes. Add the mussels and cover simmering until the mussels open and then add the basil and parsley and cook 1 minute more.
Serve in large bowls (with sauce) with a crusty piece of bread  

I have none as this was so good. I will try to come up with a soup recipe with the extra broth.

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pasta with Spicy Baby Octopus (Htapothi Makaronatha)

Pasta with Spicy baby Octopus  (Htapothi Makaronatha)

I celebrated my birthday with a lovely dinner with my husband at a restaurant new to us.  Our first course was a baby octopus dish cooked with garlic and tomatoes.  I could not get enough of it and came home to be lucky to find in my freezer baby cleaned Octopus. ( I know my house is like a gourmet store!)
So with my yummy thoughts and memory of the dinner I just had, I made a spicy rendition of a Greek Octopus and pasta dish was to be tried.
All tomatoes, parsley and the hot pepper were from my garden!  Reap the harvest!
This will serve 4 persons very well, especially if a salad is added and can be doubled easily. I also think it is a very elegant first course for 6-8 persons.
1 lb baby octopus, sliced into rings

4 Tablespoons olive oil
3 cloves finely chopped garlic
¼ cup chopped onions
2 cups chopped fresh tomatoes
1/2 cup red wine
1 tablespoon tomato sauce
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
1 teaspoon chile flakes
1 small jalopena pepper minced (optional)
1 bay leaf
2 Teaspoons. capers (optional)
Salt and fresh ground pepper
½ pound ditalini pasta

Make sure the Octopus is cleaned (washed and the plastic-like inners pulled out)  These are pre-cleaned and jut adorable baby Octopus!

                                                             Then slice in small pieces: 
Saute in the olive oil the octopus, onion and
garlic for 3-4 minutes

Add tomatoes and cook for 5 minutes on low.  Add the remaining ingredients (all but the pasta) and simmer on low for about 30-35 minutes until the octopus is just about tender.
Add the pasta and keep simmering until the pasta is cooked and not over done (8-9 minutes on the average for small pasta)
Remember to stir (not to have anything stick) and add more water if it becomes too dry.  The ideal consistency would have all liquid, but a bit, is absorbed into the pasta.

·        Note I am using elbow macaroni instead of the typically used ditalini
·        If I had a fish broth or clam juice I might have used that instead of white wine.
·        Asian markets sell pre-cleaned and baby octopus, which I believe is the best
·        You could make this as a sauce and place over pasta of choice.
·        Often this dish is cooked in a clay dish and baked.
·        Don’t forget to remove the bay leaf.  Also, note I am using my smaller tomatoes from my garden and I cut them and placed them in the sauce.  They will have their skins come off into the sauce.  Blanching (placing the vegetable into boiling water for just a bit and then into ice bath) will make skinning them easy.  If I use Big tomatoes I do this, but I was lazy here. If you are entertaining with this--DO IT.

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Salmon Salad with Avocado

Salmon Salad with Avocado

I had a lovely piece of Salmon last evening and had some leftover which was not quite enough for a meal for two.  So I made a lovely big tossed salad in a big bowl.

I grabbed a large ripe avocado and wanted to fill it with a salmon salad.

1 large ripe avocado cut in half (pit removed)
4-6 oz of cooked salmon shredded
2 teaspoons minced onion
1/2 lemon juiced

Mix your salad base as you please. I used lettuce, tomatoes, olives, sliced mushrooms,sesame seeds, and some onion.   I dressed it lightly with a thousand island dressing. Toss all together and plate. 

Mix the inside of the avocado, salmon which you have shredded, salt and pepper to taste and lemon juice and fill  each half shell with the mixture.  Place on top of the salad and enjoy.The avocado will become a creamy dressing in itself for the rest of the salad.

  • I make stuffed avocado halves with a crab salad or shrimp salad as a side salad or side dish. This is a variation.

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

Saturday, June 15, 2013


This was a total last minute idea.  I know I am out all day tomorrow for father’s day and our girls are not here to celebrate in person – but I know they will be on the phone/sykpe/text etc. (they live in Europe)
So my Job is to entertain him and I have a great day planned. His favorite thing is a dessert.  So after making pancakes this morning of which I eat none, I had left over batter. BOOM: watch how easy this is!!  He LOVED IT!  Fed him Father’s day dessert early!
Based on making true CREPES:  but easier and with the batter from the  morning!!!
Leftover or fresh pancake mix batter - make it and let it sit for at least one hour.

Dash of cinnamon to taste
Drizzle of agave syrup or honey
Butter or light cooking oil: just enough to wipe the pan lightly
10 strawberries sliced
Scoops of vanilla ice cream ( one to each pancake)
A good chocolate Syrup or melted chocolate

I made pancakes (any pancakes you want to make- packaged – or not). So the dessert came from leftover pancake batter. I covered it with wrap and kept it until dinner time.  HMM easy peasy here. 
Add some cinnamon and a little agave (sweetener: of your choice. I recommend honey or agave).  Just a bit. Mix well and bring to room temperature.

Heat a fry pan (non-stick preferred) with a bit of butter or cooking oil.  Swirl the pan and add some pancake batter and swirl pan to cover the bottom with batter.   (KEEP IT THIN – JUST LIKE A CREPE)
Place the pan back on the heat (medium heat) and cook until it bubbles up. Flip over and cook the other side.

Place on plate carefully and cook more.

To assemble:  Place a pancake on plate, top with strawberries and roll jelly roll style. Scoop a big scoop of vanilla ice cream and drizzle chocolate syrup of choice on top.

 Top with more sliced strawberries

 TIPS     Any topping of syrup will work, any ice cream will work.. I DARE your to think out of the box. !!!
Come on it's DAD..what does he like????

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Braised Rosemary, Garlic and Tomatoe Bone-in Chicken Breasts

Braised Rosemary, Garlic and Tomato Bone- in Chicken Breasts

Braising: is a method of cooking. Usually one sears the meat first (dry cooking - cooking the meat at a high heat until browned –it will not be cooked through) and then cooking in a sauce low and slow (wet cooking) Often called “pot roasting”!

How does your garden grow?   Well, mine is great – thanks!
There is nothing like cooking with fresh herbs and this is the time to plant them where ever you have sunshine.  I have a small patio with containers that I am presently growing: Parsley, Basil, Rosemary, Mint, Hot peppers and lots of tomatoes. I forgot to buy Dill and will plant that and a few more vegetables this weekend.

  I want to use some rosemary and some of my tomatoes. I worked up a nice sauce to braise two large bone-in chicken breasts.  (Note: bone-in breasts will give a good depth of taste to the dish rather than boneless chicken breasts.

2 Chicken breasts (bone-in) Salted and peppered
1-2 teaspoons olive oil
½ cup sliced onions
1 tablespoon minced garlic
2 sprigs of Rosemary needles (removed from stem and roughly chopped)
1 teaspoon chopped basil
A bit of chopped jalapeno peppers (optional)
2 cups chopped fresh tomatoes preferred (I had only a handful of fresh and had to add some canned)

Sear chicken in the olive oil until browned on both sides (high heat).

Remove the chicken  from the large fry pan and add garlic and onions to the pan.
  Sauté on a bit lower heat for a few minutes. Add herbs and sauté another 2 minutes.
Lower the heat and add tomato and cook another 3-4 minutes so the sauce begins to incorporate all the flavors. 
Add the seared chicken (nestle into the sauce) and lower heat to medium –low and cover and simmer for 40 minutes or so (turn the chicken 1-2- times)

·        The dish is about Rosemary with chicken... so think about other veggies you might like to put in the dish. I usually think more “root” veggies with rosemary and I think a potato chunked and placed in the sauce might sound good.

·        This was so fresh and the rosemary scented the home so nicely and it gave me a calm and serene feeling. Do not mess it up with a bunch of other items!

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Baked low calorie Simple Salmon Cakes

Baked low calorie Simple Salmon Cakes -

I love salmon but often tire of the same recipes. I however always want to boost my Omega 3’s.  Salmon cakes are marvelous fried but to lower calories I used very little bread filling (only a tad of panko crumbs) and bake the patties instead of frying them.  I choose to lighten the taste and keep them simple this time rather than add Worcestershire sauce, lots of old bay, strong onions, celery and lots of dressing (mayo/mustard/hot pepper sauce) inside them.  The taste of these cakes highlight the natural salmon taste as the winning flavor.

1 pound salmon
1 egg - beaten
2 tablespoons red pepper minced finely (for color and just a bit of taste)
1 shallot minced
2 tablespoon capers
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
Juice of half a large lemon
1 tablespoons panko bread crumbs
½ teaspoon old bay seasoning
1 teaspoon minced parsley or ½ teaspoon dill
Salt and pepper to taste
Sprinkle of bread crumbs to just top the patties and a drizzle of olive oil.
With the edge of a sharp knife or tongs of a fork scrap the salmon so it shreds. Place in a mixing bowl.  Add all ingredients and toss to mix but not to make it too mushy.

Form into balls of equal size  (4-5) and place on oiled or sprayed with non-stick spray baking sheet. Once all balls are made (I made five) push down lightly to form patties.  Sprinkle with a light coating of panko bread crumbs and drizzle with olive oil.

Bake at 375 for 8-10 minutes. (just cooked and slightly pink inside).  Turn to broil and broil another 2-3 minutes to brown topping.

·        I served them on a lovely bed of mixed salad greens with olives, tomatoes etc with a light vinaigrette dressing.
·        Leftover patties will make a nice cold sandwich with a wasabi and avocado dressing
·        If you use dill in the patties, I suggest a creamy dill dressing
·        DO NOT overcook, as these are drier than a fried and heavily laden patty with more mayo/mustard dressing.

(PS: Canned salmon is a very easy short cut - watch for bones)
As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Chinese Fried Black Rice

                                                      Chinese  Fried Black Rice (The Forbidden Rice)

Black Rice was once revered so highly that if one was caught stealing it, they were put to death. (ie: The name Forbidden Rice)
I had heard about black rice and its value in being higher in iron and trace minerals than white rice and supposedly to have a great nutty taste, so I bought a bag a while ago. I decided to make some Black Fried Rice.  Fried Rice recipes can easily be changed up as to what you want to mix in.  As I am serving this with General Tso chicken, I thought a vegetable one would be best.

One cup of black rice
2 cups water
Good drizzle vegetable oil
Drop of sesame oil
1 carrot diced
1/2 onion diced
1 stalk celery diced
½ frozen peas
2 tablespoon soy sauce
2 cloves of chopped garlic
1 eggs beaten

Cook rice (boil water add rice, cover lower heat to simmer and cook until fluffy abut 25 minutes) Set aside to cool

In large pan heat 2 oils and add vegetables, garlic and onion. Stir fry 3-4 minutes. 

Add spices, soy, fish sauce and beaten egg and scramble. 
Add rice and stir fry another few minutes.

 ·        Add zucchini, squash, green pepper, mushrooms etc chopped

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!