Thursday, August 9, 2012



Have you ever had a bunch of bananas just sit around too long and they begin to turn brown and you want something different to make other than a banana cake?  Well I came up with a topping for ice cream that is so good.

5 Bananas peeled and cut  (ones that are very Ripe).
¼ cup brown sugar
4 tablespoon butter
¼ teaspoon cinnamon


Melt the butter and add the sugar and cinnamon and cook on stove on medium heat until Ali blended.  Add the bananas and cook until they mush all together.  Serve on ice cream of choice!


·        Add some nuts

·        Add coffee liqueur or a splash of strong coffee

·        Add Raisins

·        Top a croissant, angel food cake or pound cake

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

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