Friday, May 18, 2012

Tiny Octopus and Baked Salmon

Tiny Octopus and baked Salmon

I forgot I had a container of little baby Octopus.  I had it in my freezer to add to a fish stew but now it is just my husband and myself eating this evening and I do not want to make a full big fish stew. 
I found eight little tender baby Octopus. It was not enough for a full meal, even thou we are only two, so I grabbed a piece of salmon. 
Now what?
Octopus should be my star in any dish I make for sure, as I do not often make Octopus. I cook Salmon all the time and love capers on a poached or baked Salmon.  So my mind goes in one direction: A sauce of the Octopus and capers braised in wine and tomatoes and use that as a topping to a simple baked Salmon Fillet.

Add just a bit of olive oil and saute the onion and garlic 2-3 minutes. Then add the wine (Optional)
1 tablespoon minced finely onions
2 teaspoons minced garlic
1 cup tomatoes
8 baby Octopus
1 tablespoon capers

½ cup white wine (if you like)
I Salmon fillet enough to serve two

Add tomatoes and cook on low making a nice sauce.
Add Octopus, wine and capers and cook 10 minutes or until Octopus is tender

Now put the Salmon in oven ( a portion the size for two) 
 Please, Please cook at 375 degrees 5 minutes.  NO LONGER. (check and make sure the inside is a bit raw looking)  Place back in for another minute or so if you need.   Salmon is so often over cooked in this world. Just make sure you get good fish and there will be no problems.

·        Tomatoes: Any kind you have on hand but please make sure they are ripe or used canned
·        Please make sure the onion and garlic are cut very finely as the tiny Octopus do not want to be over powered. The OCTOPUS is the star… delicate and fresh in taste.
·        Either grill quickly the Octopus or cook slowly over low heat. No water is needed as the Octopus will make it’s own juices.  (baby ones need about 10 minutes).  Otherwise, too much or too little cooking will make for tough Octopus.
·        Be a true Dump Cook.. try Basil instead of the capers
·        I purchase Salmon when on sale and in a large quantity and break it down to individual 2 person serving packages and freeze them.

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