Tuesday, May 1, 2012

ZUCCHINI FRIES (or are they)

For fun serve in a paper cup.
Low in cholesterol, fat, and saturated fat, these are a great way to serve zucchini and you can pretend they are FATTY French fries but they are NOT!  I think you will be surprised these may even taste better! Of course the secret is BAKED and not fried.  The true Greek part of me does want me to heat up a pan of olive oil and fry these guys up but the new, more health conscience me knows baking is better.  So let's bake some veggie fries!
(Trust me: they are delicious)

2 medium zucchini
1/2 cup egg beaters (can use one egg white)
¼ cup milk
½ cup bread crumbs
¼ cup shredded Parmesan cheese
Sprinkle of Oregano
Splash hot sauce (brand of choice)
Take both ends off the zucchinis and discard. Slice Zucchini length-wise in French fry size sticks. 
Whisk the milk, and egg beaters and hot sauce.

 Place all zucchini pieces in this mixture and toss to coat well. 
Then toss in bread crumbs/oregano/Parmesan cheese  mixed together and lay on a baking sheet. 

Bake at 400 for 15 minutes until tender and outside is crunchy.

Dust with salt when hot.


·        Instead of the egg beaters use one egg white ( I use the beaters as I hate having the yolk left over)

·        Can fry them in oil but do you really want the extra oil, fat and calories etc.?

·        Don’t salt until you taste as Parmesan cheese and the hot sauce are salty and I don’t feel any is needed   (I am one that loves salt! So anytime I get to NOT salt the better!)

·        You can use this method with eggplant, potatoes (sweet and white) and green beans.  Simply try any veggie and see what YOU LIKE!  .(these worked for me).
As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds really yummy! I bet you could do variation on the breading too....
