Tuesday, January 29, 2013



16 oz (2 bags)of spinach
3 large leeks
1 tablespoon olive oil
¼ cup fresh dill chopped

7.5 oz low fat ricotta cheese (1/2 of a small container)
3 ozs Crumbled Feta (give or take)
2 eggs beaten
1/2 teaspoon salt
Black pepper to taste
10 sheets of Filo dough
3 tablespoons melted butter
Preheat oven to425 degrees.
Slice the long leeks in fourths lengthwise.  Slice into pieces up to the very dark green of the leek.  Scoop into a colander and insert to a bowl full of water (where water keeps leeks floating).  Then let the leeks float to the top and scoop out with a colander. Dry on paper towels or if you have time to air dry –just by sitting in the colander.


In a hot saute pan (need one large enough to hold all the raw spinach, which will wilt to less than half their bulk, heat the olive oil and place spinach and leeks into the pan and cook on medium heat (always stirring) until all almost wilted, then add garlic and sauté 4 more minutes.  Let cool by placing in a colander (over a bowl) and sit to drain.

Mix the cheeses, eggs and dill and salt and pepper in a bowl. When the spinach/leek mixture cools incorporate the both. Set aside.
In a 9 inch square glass baking dish - brush with a  little melted butter. Layer filo sheets one by one in opposite directions across the dish allowing sheets to hang over the edge – BUT always brush each layer first with melted butter. Layering 4 sheets – 2 in each direction.  Fill with spinach mixture.  Add 3 sheets just to fit in the middle (do not drape) and then crisscross the rest of the sheets one by one/(ALWAYS BRUSHING WITH MELTED BUTTER EACH LAYER)

Score the top into the size pieces you like and brush top with butter.  Bake at 425 degrees for 35-40 minutes and all is golden brown.




·        If you keep the water from the drained spinach, try it in your healthy smoothies in the morning.
·        Reheating soup:  It gets very thick as it cools. Add a bit of water to reheat .. see how much you need in small increments. 
As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

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