Monday, July 30, 2012


Chinese tonight!

I have not researched our new neighborhood for the best Chinese restaurant, so it was left to me to make something to satisfy my carving!

½ cup sliced Mushrooms
½ cup bean sprouts cut in half
½ cup shredded carrots
3/4 pound shrimp cooked and chopped
¼ cup chopped onions
2 cups shredded cabbage
1/2 teaspoon ginger chopped (more if you like)
1/8 teaspoon minced garlic
1 ½ tablespoon soy sauce
2 teaspoons oyster sauce
1 teaspoon salt (optional)
1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar
1 egg beaten
20 wonton wrappers
Vegetable oil to wipe on pan or spray PAM olive oil
If using raw shrimp sauté 3 minutes in 1/2 teaspoon olive oil.
Prepare all vegetable. 
To cut cabbage easily:   Remove thick stem in the middle of the leaf. 
Lay flat on top of each other. Roll and slice very thinly.


Mix all ingredients up to the egg in a bowl making sure all are coated in the sauce.

Lay the wonton wrapper so it looks like a diamond in front of you with a point coming at you and one going direct out from you.  Lay across the middle some filling. Fold the point at the bottom up to cover the filling.

 Fold the left and right pointed corners inwards. Brush on beaten egg on the two sides of the point at the top.  Roll up and close.

Bush with a little oil or use a spray like olive oil PAM both the baking dish/pan and the tops. Bake 20 minutes or more according to your preferred crispness.

1.      You can freeze uncooked or cooked rolls to fry or bake later

2.      Can fry in vegetable oil.. but calories.. oh yes so many more!

3.      I saved some of the filling (made 8 rolls) and made a rice dish as follows:


!/2 cup rice placed in a sauté pan with a drizzle of vegetable oil.  Stir fry it 3 minutes and add the remaining filling. Add ½ teaspoon salt and pepper to taste.  

 Fry another 3 minutes and add 1 ½ cups fish stock or water. Drizzle a little sesame oil and soy sauce. Lower to simmer and cover and cook until the rice is done about 15 minutes. Just before serving add the left over beaten egg and fry 3 or so minutes. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Moist Zucchini Bread

I purchased a basket of zucchini fresh from the farm and made my Zucchini Bread recipe and froze the mini loafs for use later on.

3 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3 cups sugar
1 cup vegetable oil
4 eggs, beaten
1/3 cup water
2 1/2 cups grated zucchini
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Combine in a mixer the ingredients in a mixer and blend for about 3-4 minutes until all is incorporated. Most bakers suggest keeping the dry ingredients in one bowl and the wet in another and then mix the wet into the dry.  Personally, I am not that picking and pretty much dump all ingredients randomly together. I do beat my eggs first in a bowl.
Bake in 2 standard loaf pans or 5-6 smaller loaf pans which have been sprayed with PAM..  I choose the smaller ones so I could freeze the extra ones (being only two in the household) The larger pans will take about one hour to bake and the mini pans about 45 minutes.
  • Add nuts to batter or raisins before baking
  • As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Melitzanes Papoutsakia: Stuffed Eggplants Shoes

Melitzanes Papoutsakia: Stuffed Eggplants Shoes

My daughter, Alexandra made this last evening and told me in general what she did and I choose to recreate it for us.  I had some Eggplant and very ripe tomatoes which needed to be used, so it sounded prefect!  And it was!!  Hurray to Alexandra!
I large Eggplant

I medium onion chopped finely
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 ½ large tomatoes diced
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
1 teaspoon oregano
1 ½ tablespoon balsamic Vinegar
1 teaspoon brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
pepper to taste
½ teaspoon red pepper flakes
¼ cup of water
½ cup water
1 cup orzo

Cut the eggplant lengthwise in half.  Scoop out the insides leaving 1/8-1/4 inch side on the eggplant.

 Chop the insides of the eggplants and place in a pan that has the olive oil warming.    

Add the onion, tomatoes, spices and cook 4 minutes. Then add the water and stir and simmer about another 5 mins.

Stuff the eggplants and place in a baking dish.  Spill the orzo around the side of the eggplants.  Add another ½ cup of water to pan. 
Cover with tin foil and bake at 350 for 45 mins.  Spoon the Orzo on top and plate.

·        Feta Cheese
·        Add Green Pepper diced
·        Add Parmesan cheese
·        Can add ground meat or sausage, which has been sauteed with the other vegetables
·        I think mint would be great as well inside the shoes.
·        If you want if thicker, add some bread crumbs.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Seaweed Salad (cold)

Seaweed Salad (cold)
Use a fork or chop sticks!

I would like to credit my two daughters who turned me on to good Japanese food.    Who knew I would fall in love with Sushi and the wonderful side dishes.
One time dining at our daughter’s favorite local Sushi restaurant (Blue Finn), we had a seaweed salad that both Bill (Yikes- really he loved it and ordered one more!) and myself loved!  I wanted to eat that salad but never found or knew how to make it.  Since then,  I found a good seaweed salad in Whole Foods, but it was so much money.
I have been on a quest to make my own (since finding the Korean market ASISS) , one that would come as close as possible to Blue Finn’s.  It is not perfected, but I think it is great!   Yes, Blue Finn’s will win hands down!  Try this and play with the spices..  I think the salt preserved seaweed  is the best over dried seaweed.
• 12 oz dried seaweed packed in Salt Rinsed well

 •1 1/2 tablespoons light soy sauce
 •1 1/2tablespoons rice vinegar (without seasoning)
 •1/4 teaspoon sugar
 •3/4 tablespoons sesame oil
 •1 scallions, thinly sliced
 •1/2 teaspoon finely grated ginger
 •1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds

My new secret (I just could never get this recipe right- so use this type of seaweed: BUT rinse and rinse)

SALTED PRESERVED FRESH SEAWEED:   Rinse seaweed.  Then take the Seaweed and soak in water for a few minutes and change water. Repeat 4-5 times until the salt is removed. Set out to dry.

Mix the dressing and add to the seaweed. Refrigerate for one day.  Enjoy!
I am so happy to figure out a good Seaweed Salad!
Hope you all like it, as I made it finally! Yes Seaweed salad made at home!

  As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Salmon Provençal with Zucchini

Salmon Provençal with Zucchini 

I found a beautiful farmers market with fresh home grown produce attached to the plant farm I visited to purchase plants for our new home.  Their produce was wonderful, but I had just purchased so much food two days ago that I decided we did not need any today. Then I went to check out with my plants and there was a table with two day old produce for only TWO dollars a basket!  Needless to say I purchased one bag of 11 zucchinis and one of five huge Tomatoes.

Note the orange-yellow Zucchini.  I had never seen them before and spoke to the sales lady about them.  New knowledge: They are just older very ripe zucchini. They are prefect to bake with and she mentioned flavor is very robust.

I decided to make a dinner of both tomatoes and zucchini and made this one up:  I had thawed a nice piece of Salmon already this morning. This made a prefect dinner for two and can be easily doubled or tripled.

 •1/2 tablespoon(s) olive oil
 •1 piece salmon fillet (for two) or 2 pieces (each for one)
 •1 Big Heirloom tomato diced reserving as much juice as possible
 •1/4 cup  onion chopped
 • 8 Greek Kalamata olives, chopped
 •1 tablespoon capers chopped
 •1 large zucchini
•2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
Salt and pepper to taste
Season the salmon with salt and pepper.  Place oil in saucepan and over medium heat saute salmon about 3 minutes per side (slightly uncooked)
Remove and place on plate and tent with foil to keep warm.  In the same pan place the onion on medium-low heat  (add a little olive oil if pan is too dry) and saute three minutes.  Add the tomato and cook for 4-5 minutes. 

 While sauce cooks cut the zucchini in half and then each in slices of 1/8 thick. Steam the zucchini in a little water just a few minutes until just tender. Drain and drizzle with lemon juice and season with salt and pepper

To sauce add olives and capers and cook another two or so minutes. Spread sauce to the side of the pan and add the salmon back in and spoon sauce on the top of the salmon.  Cook just to warm the salmon (2 minutes).  Serve on the plate.
Serve zucchini next to salmon. Cool glass of white wine and that is an elegant, pretty and low calorie summer meal. 


·        Remember Capers are salty so go lightly on the salt

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Simple Cold Macaroni Salad Using leftover Mac and Cheese
Stuffed Tomato with Macaroni Salad

OK I am back... well sort of! 
I really need another week to get rolling in a pattern again.  Moving is hard and exhausting and the last thing one wants to do is cook.  Actually, I had little fresh items on hand, so that killed any good cooking. I relied on a quick stop on the way home from one house to the other and the simple heat and serve meal that I had prepared earlier and frozen.
I am writing this only as a “True Dump Cook” recipe, as it is not a great dish but I hope it inspires you to do similar things.  Take and REVISE!

We headed to our new market yesterday and got lots and lots of fruit and veggies and all the other staples I generally need to stock up on.
It became 8 pm and we just finished for the day. (After cleaning and unpacking and working in our office) So nothing  was out to cook nor did I have the energy, so we bought a packet of chicken cooked  fresh at the store and a package of reheat mac and cheese (horrible)!  I had allot of the pasta left and did this.

Left over Hot Macaroni and Cheese recycled (especially if not a good tasting one).

1 cup cooked leftover Macaroni and Cheese
1 large fresh celery stalk with leaves
1 large carrot chopped in small pieces (or shredded) (I used small carrots so chopped them but a large one can be shredded)
¼ cup minced onion
2 cups cooked macaroni (elbow or same as in Mac and Cheese) as per package instructions. I prefer al dente
1 teaspoon oregano
 ½ teaspoon minced garlic
Salt and pepper to taste
1/8 teaspoon red pepper flakes (or minced fresh hot pepper) to taste
¼ cup Mayonnaise
½ teaspoon Dijon mustard
Mix all together and get a great pasta salad.  Cool in refrigerator.

Easy revision of LEFT OVER Mac and Cheese!  Normally, I make the same salad with cheddar cheese shredded but now I substituted the Mac/Cheese leftovers. It also cuts own the amount of needed  Mayonnaise.


1.      Use this and put ½ cup shredded cheddar cheese  (for the Big Cheese lover)
2.      Mix in green or red peppers diced
3.      Add olives or capers
4.      Serve in a hollowed out red or green peppers or tomato or  serve on lettuce for a full lunch
5.      This stays in the refrigerator for numerous days and makes a great take to work meal, side salad, lunch meal etc.
6.      Sprinkle in some seeds of choice for a little protein (pumpkin?) Yum 

PS:   Al Dente pasta means a little hard to the bite.  Just until they lose the raw taste.

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

Friday, July 13, 2012


I know I have disappeared from my blog for a bit of time, but all for a good because; I am moving. Not only I do not have the time to blog, I don’t have pots, pans and ingredients!
So not to let you all down, I thought to offer some knowledge on choosing, using and storage of some of our wonderful fresh fruits. (Vegetables will come)  
In general smell, touch and color are your best tools. There should be NO bruises or mold of course. We are all consumers of the “LARGE” bag of fruit on sale or at the warehouse.  Buyers beware!  Remember: The old saying “one bad apple spoils the bunch or bushel”. Usually a large bag will have at least one bad one, so be careful.

BLUEBERRIES:  BUY: They are in season now and have become much more affordable.  When you buy they make sure the bottom of the container is not stained from leaky juices. STORE:  They freeze wonderfully. Spread out clean blueberries on a cookie sheet. Freeze for about 2 hrs and then place them in a zip lock bag or plastic sealed container.  They will last a good 6 months. They are great for smoothies, topping ice cream or cereal.

PEACHES: A summer delight! First they should smell ripe and sweet.  They should not be squishy but they should be soft.  If you need to ripen them quickly, place in a paper bag for 1-2 days STORE: If you place them in the refrigerator they will last longer, but the coolness diminishes the taste so I recommend bringing them to room temperature before eating.

WATERMELON: Smelling does not work here.  If you use the flat part of your hand and thump it and it has a deep sound you will have a ripe watermelon

CATALOUPES: Smelling is the very best way to get a ripe sweet melon. Smell at the base of the stem.  Then tap them and if a deep sound is there, you found a nice dense and juicy fruit. They will last once cut only about 5 days in the refrigerators. The skin should be a light orange. If green it is not ripe.

STRAWBERRIES: Smell them and do they smell like a strawberry?  Do they have a luscious red color? Not green or yellow? Then they will be prefect. I know the large to huge strawberries are so impressive, but I believe the smaller ones impart so much more flavor.
NOT A GOOD PEACH:  see color.. I can not show smell or give the feel  (hard/soft)...... but hey who wants to eat this!
I am not bruised or have mold but I am such an ugly color!

Now I look good??
As you saw on my previous blog, one way to eat more fruit is to prepare a big bowl of fruit salad as soon as you have ripen quantities of a few fruit types. You must place all fruit that has been peeled or cut up in an airtight container in the refrigerator to keep them fresh. I like to add lemon or lime to help keep the fruit from oxidizing and turning brown. If you want to include bananas or kiwi in your fruit salad, I suggest adding them at the last minute and don't refrigerate them.

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

Sunday, July 8, 2012



Fresh Fruit Salad

Coming back from three days to a home that read 85 degrees inside (we forgot and turned the air totally off!)  didn’t encourage me to get inventive in the kitchen.  The last thing I wanted to do was cook or eat a hot dish.
A Plethora of fruit in my refrigerator led me to desire a cold fresh fruit salad.
This is a no-brainer …FRUIT SALAD… yes indeed, but the twist might be new.

Simply cut up whatever fruit you have on hand in bite size pieces. Place in a bowl.  In another bowl the juices of one lemon and one lime. Take five mint leaves and crush them in the juice until they melt down to nothing.  Mix the juice in the salad and top with a few mint leaves and a slice of lime.

My salad was:
1 pint blueberries
2 large bunches of dark grapes cut in half
5 figs cut into 4 pieces
5 apricots cut in 1/4ths as well
Juice of one lime and one lemon
10 mint leaves
1 slice of lime

·        Add orange juice instead of the lemon and lime
·        Add nuts chopped
·        Add coconut
·        Use your choice of fruit
·        Spoon over ice cream
·        Add a dollop of sour cream 

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!