Friday, July 13, 2012


I know I have disappeared from my blog for a bit of time, but all for a good because; I am moving. Not only I do not have the time to blog, I don’t have pots, pans and ingredients!
So not to let you all down, I thought to offer some knowledge on choosing, using and storage of some of our wonderful fresh fruits. (Vegetables will come)  
In general smell, touch and color are your best tools. There should be NO bruises or mold of course. We are all consumers of the “LARGE” bag of fruit on sale or at the warehouse.  Buyers beware!  Remember: The old saying “one bad apple spoils the bunch or bushel”. Usually a large bag will have at least one bad one, so be careful.

BLUEBERRIES:  BUY: They are in season now and have become much more affordable.  When you buy they make sure the bottom of the container is not stained from leaky juices. STORE:  They freeze wonderfully. Spread out clean blueberries on a cookie sheet. Freeze for about 2 hrs and then place them in a zip lock bag or plastic sealed container.  They will last a good 6 months. They are great for smoothies, topping ice cream or cereal.

PEACHES: A summer delight! First they should smell ripe and sweet.  They should not be squishy but they should be soft.  If you need to ripen them quickly, place in a paper bag for 1-2 days STORE: If you place them in the refrigerator they will last longer, but the coolness diminishes the taste so I recommend bringing them to room temperature before eating.

WATERMELON: Smelling does not work here.  If you use the flat part of your hand and thump it and it has a deep sound you will have a ripe watermelon

CATALOUPES: Smelling is the very best way to get a ripe sweet melon. Smell at the base of the stem.  Then tap them and if a deep sound is there, you found a nice dense and juicy fruit. They will last once cut only about 5 days in the refrigerators. The skin should be a light orange. If green it is not ripe.

STRAWBERRIES: Smell them and do they smell like a strawberry?  Do they have a luscious red color? Not green or yellow? Then they will be prefect. I know the large to huge strawberries are so impressive, but I believe the smaller ones impart so much more flavor.
NOT A GOOD PEACH:  see color.. I can not show smell or give the feel  (hard/soft)...... but hey who wants to eat this!
I am not bruised or have mold but I am such an ugly color!

Now I look good??
As you saw on my previous blog, one way to eat more fruit is to prepare a big bowl of fruit salad as soon as you have ripen quantities of a few fruit types. You must place all fruit that has been peeled or cut up in an airtight container in the refrigerator to keep them fresh. I like to add lemon or lime to help keep the fruit from oxidizing and turning brown. If you want to include bananas or kiwi in your fruit salad, I suggest adding them at the last minute and don't refrigerate them.

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

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