Monday, July 23, 2012

Salmon Provençal with Zucchini

Salmon Provençal with Zucchini 

I found a beautiful farmers market with fresh home grown produce attached to the plant farm I visited to purchase plants for our new home.  Their produce was wonderful, but I had just purchased so much food two days ago that I decided we did not need any today. Then I went to check out with my plants and there was a table with two day old produce for only TWO dollars a basket!  Needless to say I purchased one bag of 11 zucchinis and one of five huge Tomatoes.

Note the orange-yellow Zucchini.  I had never seen them before and spoke to the sales lady about them.  New knowledge: They are just older very ripe zucchini. They are prefect to bake with and she mentioned flavor is very robust.

I decided to make a dinner of both tomatoes and zucchini and made this one up:  I had thawed a nice piece of Salmon already this morning. This made a prefect dinner for two and can be easily doubled or tripled.

 •1/2 tablespoon(s) olive oil
 •1 piece salmon fillet (for two) or 2 pieces (each for one)
 •1 Big Heirloom tomato diced reserving as much juice as possible
 •1/4 cup  onion chopped
 • 8 Greek Kalamata olives, chopped
 •1 tablespoon capers chopped
 •1 large zucchini
•2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
Salt and pepper to taste
Season the salmon with salt and pepper.  Place oil in saucepan and over medium heat saute salmon about 3 minutes per side (slightly uncooked)
Remove and place on plate and tent with foil to keep warm.  In the same pan place the onion on medium-low heat  (add a little olive oil if pan is too dry) and saute three minutes.  Add the tomato and cook for 4-5 minutes. 

 While sauce cooks cut the zucchini in half and then each in slices of 1/8 thick. Steam the zucchini in a little water just a few minutes until just tender. Drain and drizzle with lemon juice and season with salt and pepper

To sauce add olives and capers and cook another two or so minutes. Spread sauce to the side of the pan and add the salmon back in and spoon sauce on the top of the salmon.  Cook just to warm the salmon (2 minutes).  Serve on the plate.
Serve zucchini next to salmon. Cool glass of white wine and that is an elegant, pretty and low calorie summer meal. 


·        Remember Capers are salty so go lightly on the salt

As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

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