Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Poached Salmon with Dijon, Lime, Honey sauce

Poached Salmon with Dijon, Lime, Honey sauce

My sisters are coming to see our new home and for a bite of lunch and some good chat.  So as usual,I don’t want to be stuck in the kitchen cooking and want to serve a light, nice but easy meal. My one sister does not eat gluten and therefore all bread and pasta items are out.  We have done the tuna and chicken salad routine before, so I decided on a cold salmon dish, Deviled eggs, baked tomatoes topped with cheese and a bean and corn salad. 
A great make ahead luncheon/dinner and super nice  use to entertain
 Here is the salmon main dish I served.

Poached Salmon with Dijon, Lime, Honey sauce

1 pound Salmon fillets
1 cup seafood or chicken broth
1 cup white wine
Salt and pepper
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup sour cream
6 tablespoons Dijon mustard
4 teaspoons fresh lime juice 4 teaspoons honey
1 teaspoon grated lime peel
Capers to dress

Bring the broth, wine and oil to a simmer and add fillets of salmon which have been salted and peppered. Cover and Simmer about 10 minutes until just cooked through.  Take out of the broth and plate and refrigerate.
Make sauce with all the ingredients mixed in a bowl.  Spread on the salmon and dress with the capers.  Serve cold. Great on a hot day or for a nice luncheon.
The sauce would be good on hot or cold fish .Try it on any light flavored fish.


·        Instead of capers add thin slices of Basil
·        If you want to grill, broil or bake the fish omit the wine and broth and drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper.

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