Friday, December 28, 2012

Cabbage, Bacon, Carrot Saute

Cabbage, Bacon, Carrot Saute


I seem to be always inspired by my children’s cooking recently.  They made a cabbage dish with fennel seeds and it reminded by of one my mother made with caraways seeds.  What a super combination: cabbage and caraway seeds.  So with the cabbage, I did not use as a bowl to put dip in for a party, I began with that and then created the following. 
Great side dish, BUT I loved it so much that I made it my main course!

4 bacon slices chopped in small cubes
3 cups sliced cabbage
½  onion chopped
1 carrot shredded
1 medium garlic clove minced
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 teaspoon caraway seeds
1 tablespoon minced parsley
Dash hot pepper fakes

Saute the bacon until half cooked.  Add the rest of the ingredients except the parsley, which you add just before serving.
Don't you love the colors!

·        Could use a splash of red wine vinegar
·        Or apple cider vinegar and sliced apples
·        I think ( have not tried) it would be a great cold salad
·        I choose to cook all to be a soft consistency. However.  If you cook the bacon thru then saute the rest briefly it will turn into a crunchy dish.
As always be your own Creative Dump Cook and change this recipe to what YOU have on hand!

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