Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Eggplant Parmesan


1 large eggplant
4 oz of low fat mozzarella cheese
¼ cup parmesan cheese grated
½ jar store bought or homemade spaghetti sauce
1 cup panko crumbs
2 teaspoons oregano
½ teaspoon garlic powder
Salt and pepper
1 egg and ¾ cup egg beaters (whites)
¾ cup flour
¼ cup vegetable oil
Set up your “dredging system” – one bowl of beaten egg and whites; one bowl of flour and one bowl of panko crumbs mixed with all spices.  Cut the eggplant into ¼-inch slices. (The two ends toss out)
Heat the vegetable oil to medium high heat.  Start with each slice of eggplant; coat in flour, then dip in the egg, then toss in the crumbs. (Both sides).  Fry for a few minutes each side to just crisp the crumbs in the vegt oil. (lightly brown)
Drain on paper towels.
Add a little sauce to the bottom of a glass baking casserole.
Layer the eggplant on top of the sauce in one layer, and then drizzle sauce on top and then half of the two cheeses. Repeat another layer on top in the same order.

Loosely tent foil on top and bake at 350 for about 45 minutes. (So eggplants are cooked tender soft)


·        I was going to top them with sautéed mushrooms, but I forgot them!
·        Add layer of sautéed green peppers or onions
·        Use a nice basil sauce instead of a plain marinara
·        Use fresh mozzarella if you are not counting the fat (always taste better)

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